mHUB Enacts Limited Access, Including No Public Entry
Posted on 3/13/2020
Posted on 3/13/2020

March 13, 2020
mHUB and Larger Tech Community,
In response to guidelines from local health and government agencies, we are taking more active measures to protect the health and safety of the community and stay ahead of the continued spread of the Coronavirus. Your well-being is our priority. We are also committed to ensuring that members retain access to the resources needed to build their businesses, while also maintaining a safe, sanitary and productive workspace.
Access to mHUB will now be limited to individual memberships. This includes Shop, Co-working or Shared Workspace, Reserved Desk, Garage and Office Members. This policy will be in effective Monday, March 16th. No visitors or associate members not tied to an individual will be permitted in the building.
This means that all scheduled tours, events, training, classes, and 1-1 meetings with staff and mentors will be cancelled. In some cases, digital options will be available. Our team will reach out to any registrants in the coming days.
We greatly appreciate your partnership as we work through this complex situation together. This is an unprecedented moment in time. However, by working together – we can help mitigate the spread of this disease.
While the mHUB team will be exercising a mandatory work from home policy (with the exception of 1-2 rotating staff members onsite daily), we are still online and readily available during normal operating business hours. Do not hesitate to reach us – we will be actively monitoring and are online through the internal #askmembership slack channel. Any calls to the main line at (312) 248-8701 will also be forwarded to team members. More details on FAQs for members with access can be found through the member portal under “COVID-19 Policy” in the left navigation panel.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this trying time. We look forward to seeing you soon.
All our regards and stay safe,
-Your mHUB Team