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Driving Equitable Access within the HardTech Innovation Ecosystem 

mHUB’s Catalyze Initiative promotes wealth creation for a more diverse set of founders through a series of targeted programs and partnerships.  

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Rebalancing Opportunity and Access in Manufacturing Entrepreneurship

Programs are designed to tie non-dilutive capital and hands-on support to launch and scale for underrepresented founders, all in collaboration with community-based organizations.  

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Key Programs to Drive Equitable Access in HardTech 

Community Partnerships

The community partnership program will subgrant to organizations focused on skill development, technical assistance & network building. The goal is to invest in partnerships with place-based community organizations across the city to develop a network of centers with HardTech innovation capacity

mPOWER                    Founders

mHUB mPOWER programs are designed to rebalance opportunity and access for startups building physical products that impact marginalized communities. Each mPOWER program participant at the mHUB Innovation Center receives hands-on support to turn ideas into HardTech businesses.

Landis Family Fellowship

The Landis Family Fellowship for mHUB HardTech Development Services is a 6-month fellowship that enables talent to gain access to $6M in equipment and a pipeline for paid work in product design, innovation, and R&D with small- to medium-sized manufacturers.

Catalyze Partners

mHUB Catalyze Team


Shannon McGhee

Vice President, Programs and Engagement

Lanise Beavers- webres

Lanise Beavers

mHUB Community Impact Program Manager

Shamira Quinones

Shamira Quiñones

mHUB Entrepreneur Engagement Programs Coordinator

Catalyze Initiative Advisory Committee

Join mHUB in Driving Equity in Tech

Speak with the mHUB Catalyze Leadership team to learn how you can join the ecosystem and get involved in Catalyze Initiatives